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Writer's pictureAja Lee Faassè

Red Light Blue Light

Ok I think we all know that blue light is bad, I wanted to do something about it & it turns out it was way easier than I thought. Thank the stars, there is actually a way to override the settings on all devices to turn the Blue Light into Red Light!

If these articles don't convince you, just remember it is also bad for our skin and ages us faster!!


  • Go to settings(pc) or system preferences(phone) ( on any device, oc laptop phone ipad, I did them all and now my living room has such a nice warm glow when before it was always inundated with this cold blue fizz in the air, so much better!)

  • Go to Displays(pc) or (phone)Accessibility>Display and Text Size

  • Go to color tint or night shift(pc) or color filters>On(phone)

  • Warm Temperature as high as you like and reset the night shift timer to 24 hours a day (PC) or (phone) turn color filters on>scroll down to intensity and hue

  • I am slowly training my eyes so I started lighter and now I am used to the red screen more:)

Blue light 

ages our skin faster

Skin cell damage

Oxidative stress

Damage to natural moisture barrier

Produces more melanin for hyperpigmentation

Blue lights cause us to buy more!

I have been experimenting with having all my rectangles (devices), PC, Laptop, iphone, and Ipad, for a couple of weeks to see if I felt like buying less, and it worked! Myself and my friend also noticed an immediately better night of sleep just on the first day of not being exposed to blue light.

I read some articles that touted how "Blue light can be good because it causes us to be more productive during the day..." I don't know about you but that sounds like a bunch of malarky, since when do humans in 2025 need to be doing more? What I really need is less, more space, more free time, more simplicity. I do not need a glowing rectangle to tangle up my brain synapsis and make it feel like I am not doing enough grown-up things in one day. I'll fight that battle all on my own thank you;)

Incandescent lights were replaced in stores once they realized that blue lights and fluorescent lights made us buy more things!

Vegas was soon after invented, then employed blue light machines and blacked-out windows from natural light to optimize gambling habits.

Blue light disrupts sleep.

Disrupted sleep starts a whoie snowball effect of health issues, mental and physical.

Neuroscientists discover that blue light causes

Mood disturbance

Cognitive decline

Eye strain

Blue Light exposure ages our faces!

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